Some checks are pending
CI / tests_mac (macos-latest, 3.9) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / tests_win (windows-latest, 3.9) (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / linter (ubuntu-latest, 3.9) (push) Successful in 3m30s
Rename the project from template / rename-project (push) Successful in 15s
CI / tests_linux (ubuntu-latest, 3.9) (push) Successful in 42s
123 lines
4.3 KiB
123 lines
4.3 KiB
ENV_PREFIX=$(shell python -c "if __import__('pathlib').Path('.venv/bin/pip').exists(): print('.venv/bin/')")
USING_POETRY=$(shell grep "tool.poetry" pyproject.toml && echo "yes")
.PHONY: help
help: ## Show the help.
@echo "Usage: make <target>"
@echo ""
@echo "Targets:"
@fgrep "##" Makefile | fgrep -v fgrep
.PHONY: show
show: ## Show the current environment.
@echo "Current environment:"
@if [ "$(USING_POETRY)" ]; then poetry env info && exit; fi
@echo "Running using $(ENV_PREFIX)"
@$(ENV_PREFIX)python -V
@$(ENV_PREFIX)python -m site
.PHONY: install
install: ## Install the project in dev mode.
@if [ "$(USING_POETRY)" ]; then poetry install && exit; fi
@echo "Don't forget to run 'make virtualenv' if you got errors."
$(ENV_PREFIX)pip install -e .[test]
.PHONY: fmt
fmt: ## Format code using black & isort.
$(ENV_PREFIX)isort project_name/
$(ENV_PREFIX)black -l 79 project_name/
$(ENV_PREFIX)black -l 79 tests/
.PHONY: lint
lint: ## Run pep8, black, mypy linters.
$(ENV_PREFIX)flake8 project_name/
$(ENV_PREFIX)black -l 79 --check project_name/
$(ENV_PREFIX)black -l 79 --check tests/
$(ENV_PREFIX)mypy --ignore-missing-imports project_name/
.PHONY: test
test: lint ## Run tests and generate coverage report.
$(ENV_PREFIX)pytest -v --cov-config .coveragerc --cov=project_name -l --tb=short --maxfail=1 tests/
$(ENV_PREFIX)coverage xml
$(ENV_PREFIX)coverage html
.PHONY: watch
watch: ## Run tests on every change.
ls **/**.py | entr $(ENV_PREFIX)pytest -s -vvv -l --tb=long --maxfail=1 tests/
.PHONY: clean
clean: ## Clean unused files.
@find ./ -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} \;
@find ./ -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -rf {} \;
@find ./ -name 'Thumbs.db' -exec rm -f {} \;
@find ./ -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} \;
@rm -rf .cache
@rm -rf .pytest_cache
@rm -rf .mypy_cache
@rm -rf build
@rm -rf dist
@rm -rf *.egg-info
@rm -rf htmlcov
@rm -rf .tox/
@rm -rf docs/_build
.PHONY: virtualenv
virtualenv: ## Create a virtual environment.
@if [ "$(USING_POETRY)" ]; then poetry install && exit; fi
@echo "creating virtualenv ..."
@rm -rf .venv
@python3 -m venv .venv
@./.venv/bin/pip install -U pip
@./.venv/bin/pip install -e .[test]
@echo "!!! Please run 'source .venv/bin/activate' to enable the environment !!!"
.PHONY: release
release: ## Create a new tag for release.
@echo "WARNING: This operation will create s version tag and push to github"
@read -p "Version? (provide the next x.y.z semver) : " TAG
@echo "$${TAG}" > project_name/VERSION
@$(ENV_PREFIX)gitchangelog >
@git add project_name/VERSION
@git commit -m "release: version $${TAG} 🚀"
@echo "creating git tag : $${TAG}"
@git tag $${TAG}
@git push -u origin HEAD --tags
@echo "Github Actions will detect the new tag and release the new version."
.PHONY: docs
docs: ## Build the documentation.
@echo "building documentation ..."
@$(ENV_PREFIX)mkdocs build
URL="site/index.html"; xdg-open $$URL || sensible-browser $$URL || x-www-browser $$URL || gnome-open $$URL || open $$URL
.PHONY: switch-to-poetry
switch-to-poetry: ## Switch to poetry package manager.
@echo "Switching to poetry ..."
@if ! poetry --version > /dev/null; then echo 'poetry is required, install from'; exit 1; fi
@rm -rf .venv
@poetry init --no-interaction --name=a_flask_test --author=rochacbruno
@echo "" >> pyproject.toml
@echo "[tool.poetry.scripts]" >> pyproject.toml
@echo "project_name = 'project_name.__main__:main'" >> pyproject.toml
@cat requirements.txt | while read in; do poetry add --no-interaction "$${in}"; done
@cat requirements-test.txt | while read in; do poetry add --no-interaction "$${in}" --dev; done
@poetry install --no-interaction
@mkdir -p .gitea/backup
@mv requirements* .gitea/backup
@mv .gitea/backup
@echo "You have switched to package manager."
@echo "Please run 'poetry shell' or 'poetry run project_name'"
.PHONY: init
init: ## Initialize the project based on an application template.
# This project has been generated from rochacbruno/python-project-template
# __author__ = 'rochacbruno'
# __repo__ =
# __sponsor__ =