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$log_prefix = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - LDAP manager - $USER_ID - ";
function open_ldap_connection() {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $SENT_HEADERS, $LDAP_DEBUG;
$ldap_connection = @ ldap_connect($LDAP['uri']);
if (!$ldap_connection) {
print "Problem: Can't connect to the LDAP server at ${LDAP['uri']}";
die("Can't connect to the LDAP server at ${LDAP['uri']}");
ldap_set_option($ldap_connection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
if (!preg_match("/^ldaps:/", $LDAP['uri'])) {
$tls_result = @ ldap_start_tls($ldap_connection);
if ($tls_result != TRUE) {
error_log("$log_prefix Failed to start STARTTLS connection to ${LDAP['uri']}",0);
if ($LDAP["require_starttls"] == TRUE) {
print "<div style='position: fixed;bottom: 0;width: 100%;' class='alert alert-danger'>Fatal: Couldn't create a secure connection to ${LDAP['uri']} and LDAP_REQUIRE_STARTTLS is TRUE.</div>";
else {
print "<div style='position: fixed;bottom: 0px;width: 100%;height: 20px;border-bottom:solid 20px yellow;'>WARNING: Insecure LDAP connection to ${LDAP['uri']}</div>";
$ldap_connection = @ ldap_connect($LDAP['uri']);
ldap_set_option($ldap_connection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
elseif ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) {
error_log("$log_prefix Start STARTTLS connection to ${LDAP['uri']}",0);
$bind_result = @ ldap_bind( $ldap_connection, $LDAP['admin_bind_dn'], $LDAP['admin_bind_pwd']);
if ($bind_result != TRUE) {
$this_error = "Failed to bind to ${LDAP['uri']} as ${LDAP['admin_bind_dn']}";
print "Problem: Failed to bind as ${LDAP['admin_bind_dn']}";
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { $this_error .= " with password ${LDAP['admin_bind_pwd']}"; }
error_log("$log_prefix $this_error",0);
elseif ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) {
error_log("$log_prefix Bound to ${LDAP['uri']} as ${LDAP['admin_bind_dn']}",0);
return $ldap_connection;
function ldap_auth_username($ldap_connection,$username, $password) {
# Search for the DN for the given username. If found, try binding with the DN and user's password.
# If the binding succeeds, return the DN.
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
$ldap_search_query="${LDAP['account_attribute']}=" . ldap_escape($username, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER);
$ldap_search = ldap_search( $ldap_connection, $LDAP['base_dn'], $ldap_search_query );
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { "$log_prefix Running LDAP search: $ldap_search_query"; }
if (!$ldap_search) {
error_log("$log_prefix Couldn't search for $username",0);
return FALSE;
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { error_log("$log_prefix LDAP search returned ${result["count"]} records for $username",0); }
if ($result["count"] == 1) {
$auth_ldap_connection = open_ldap_connection();
$can_bind = @ldap_bind( $auth_ldap_connection, $result[0]['dn'], $password);
if ($can_bind) {
return $dn_match[1];
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { error_log("$log_prefix Able to bind as $username",0); }
else {
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { error_log("$log_prefix Unable to bind as $username",0); }
return FALSE;
function ldap_setup_auth($ldap_connection, $password) {
#For the initial setup we need to make sure that whoever's running it has the default admin user
#credentials as passed in ADMIN_BIND_*
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { error_log("$log_prefix Initial setup: opening another LDAP connection to test authentication as ${LDAP['admin_bind_dn']}.",0); }
$auth_ldap_connection = open_ldap_connection();
$can_bind = @ldap_bind($auth_ldap_connection, $LDAP['admin_bind_dn'], $password);
if ($can_bind) {
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { error_log("$log_prefix Initial setup: able to authenticate as ${LDAP['admin_bind_dn']}.",0); }
return TRUE;
else {
$this_error="Initial setup: Unable to authenticate as ${LDAP['admin_bind_dn']}";
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { $this_error .= " with password $password"; }
$this_error .= ". The password used to authenticate for /setup should be the same as set by LDAP_ADMIN_BIND_PWD.";
error_log("$log_prefix $this_error",0);
return FALSE;
function ldap_hashed_password($password) {
$hashed_pwd = '{MD5}' . base64_encode(md5($password,TRUE));
return $hashed_pwd;
function ldap_get_user_list($ldap_connection,$start=0,$entries=NULL,$sort="asc",$sort_key=NULL,$filters=NULL,$fields=NULL) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
if (!isset($fields)) { $fields = array_unique( array("${LDAP['account_attribute']}", "givenname", "sn", "mail")); }
if (!isset($sort_key)) { $sort_key = $LDAP['account_attribute']; }
$this_filter = "(&(${LDAP['account_attribute']}=*)$filters)";
$ldap_search = ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['user_dn']}", $this_filter, $fields);
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { error_log("LDAP returned ${result['count']} users for ${LDAP['user_dn']} when using this filter: $this_filter",0); }
$records = array();
foreach ($result as $record) {
if (isset($record[$sort_key][0])) {
$add_these = array();
foreach($fields as $this_attr) {
if ($this_attr != $sort_key) { $add_these[$this_attr] = $record[$this_attr][0]; }
$records[$record[$sort_key][0]] = $add_these;
if ($sort == "asc") { ksort($records); } else { krsort($records); }
function ldap_get_highest_id($ldap_connection,$type="uid") {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG, $min_uid, $min_gid;
if ($type == "uid") {
$this_id = $min_uid;
$record_base_dn = $LDAP['user_dn'];
$record_filter = "(${LDAP['account_attribute']}=*)";
$record_attribute = array("uidNumber");
else {
$type = "gid";
$this_id = $min_gid;
$record_base_dn = $LDAP['group_dn'];
$record_filter = "(objectClass=posixGroup)";
$record_attribute = array("gidNumber");
$filter = "(&(objectclass=device)(cn=last${type}))";
$ldap_search = ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['base_dn']}", $filter, array('serialNumber'));
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
$fetched_id = $result[0]['serialnumber'][0];
if (isset($fetched_id) and is_numeric($fetched_id)){
$this_id = $fetched_id;
else {
$ldap_search = ldap_search($ldap_connection, $record_base_dn, $record_filter, $record_attribute);
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
foreach ($result as $record) {
if (isset($record[$record_attribute][0])) {
if ($record[$record_attribute][0] > $this_id) { $this_id = $record[$record_attribute][0]; }
function ldap_get_group_list($ldap_connection,$start=0,$entries=NULL,$sort="asc",$filters=NULL) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
$this_filter = "(&(objectclass=*)$filters)";
$ldap_search = ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['group_dn']}", $this_filter);
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { error_log("LDAP returned ${result['count']} groups for ${LDAP['group_dn']} when using this filter: $this_filter",0); }
$records = array();
foreach ($result as $record) {
if (isset($record['cn'][0])) {
array_push($records, $record['cn'][0]);
if ($sort == "asc") { sort($records); } else { rsort($records); }
function ldap_get_group_members($ldap_connection,$group_name,$start=0,$entries=NULL,$sort="asc") {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
$ldap_search_query = "(cn=". ldap_escape($group_name, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ")";
$ldap_search = ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['group_dn']}", $ldap_search_query, array($LDAP['group_membership_attribute']));
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
if ($LDAP_DEBUG == TRUE) { error_log("LDAP returned ${result['count']} members of ${group_name} when using this search: $ldap_search_query",0); }
$records = array();
foreach ($result[0][$LDAP['group_membership_attribute']] as $record => $value) {
if ($record != 'count' and isset($value)) {
array_push($records, $value);
if ($sort == "asc") { sort($records); } else { rsort($records); }
function ldap_is_group_member($ldap_connection,$group_name,$username) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
$ldap_search_query = "(cn=" . ldap_escape($group_name, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ")";
$ldap_search = ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['group_dn']}", $ldap_search_query);
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
if ($LDAP['group_membership_uses_uid'] == FALSE) {
$username = "${LDAP['account_attribute']}=$username,${LDAP['user_dn']}";
if (preg_grep ("/^${username}$/i", $result[0][$LDAP['group_membership_attribute']])) {
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
function ldap_new_group($ldap_connection,$group_name) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
if (isset($group_name)) {
$ldap_search_query = "(cn=" . ldap_escape($group_name, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ",${LDAP['group_dn']})";
$ldap_search = ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['group_dn']}", $ldap_search_query);
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
if ($result['count'] == 0) {
$highest_gid = ldap_get_highest_id($ldap_connection,'gid');
$new_gid = $highest_gid + 1;
$add_group = ldap_add($ldap_connection,
array( 'objectClass' => array( 'top', 'groupOfUniqueNames', 'posixGroup' ),
'cn' => $group_name,
'gidNumber' => $new_gid,
$LDAP['group_membership_attribute'] => ''
if ($add_group) {
error_log("$log_prefix Added new group $group_name",0);
$update_gid = ldap_mod_replace($ldap_connection, "cn=lastGID,${LDAP['base_dn']}", array( 'serialNumber' => $new_gid ));
if ($update_gid) {
error_log("$log_prefix Updated cn=lastGID with $new_gid",0);
return TRUE;
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Failed to update cn=lastGID",0);
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Create group; group $group_name already exists.",0);
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Create group; group name wasn't set.",0);
return FALSE;
function ldap_delete_group($ldap_connection,$group_name) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
if (isset($group_name)) {
$delete_query = "cn=" . ldap_escape($group_name, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ",${LDAP['group_dn']}";
$delete = ldap_delete($ldap_connection, $delete_query);
if ($delete) {
error_log("$log_prefix Deleted group $group_name",0);
return TRUE;
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Couldn't delete group $group_name",0);
return FALSE;
function ldap_get_gid_of_group($ldap_connection,$group_name) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
if (isset($group_name)) {
$ldap_search_query = "(cn=" . ldap_escape($group_name, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ")";
$ldap_search = ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['group_dn']}", $ldap_search_query , array("gidNumber"));
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
if (isset($result[0]['gidnumber'][0]) and is_numeric($result[0]['gidnumber'][0])) {
return $result[0]['gidnumber'][0];
return FALSE;
function ldap_new_account($ldap_connection,$first_name,$last_name,$username,$password,$email) {
if (isset($first_name) and isset($last_name) and isset($username) and isset($password)) {
$ldap_search_query = "(${LDAP['account_attribute']}=" . ldap_escape($username, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ",${LDAP['user_dn']})";
$ldap_search = ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['user_dn']}", $ldap_search_query);
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
if ($result['count'] == 0) {
$highest_uid = ldap_get_highest_id($ldap_connection,'uid');
$new_uid = $highest_uid + 1;
$default_gid = ldap_get_gid_of_group($ldap_connection,$DEFAULT_USER_GROUP);
if (!is_numeric($default_gid)) {
$group_add = ldap_new_group($ldap_connection,$username);
$gid = ldap_get_gid_of_group($ldap_connection,$username);
$add_to_group = $username;
else {
$gid = $default_gid;
$add_to_group = $DEFAULT_USER_GROUP;
$hashed_pass = ldap_hashed_password($password);
$user_info = array( 'objectClass' => array( 'person', 'inetOrgPerson', 'posixAccount' ),
'uid' => $username,
'givenName' => $first_name,
'sn' => $last_name,
'cn' => "$first_name $last_name",
'displayName' => "$first_name $last_name",
'uidNumber' => $new_uid,
'gidNumber' => $gid,
'loginShell' => $DEFAULT_USER_SHELL,
'homeDirectory' => "/home/$username",
'userPassword' => $hashed_pass,
'mail' => $email
$add_account = ldap_add($ldap_connection,
if ($add_account) {
error_log("$log_prefix Created new account: $username",0);
$update_uid = ldap_mod_replace($ldap_connection, "cn=lastUID,${LDAP['base_dn']}", array( 'serialNumber' => $new_uid ));
if ($update_uid) {
error_log("$log_prefix Create account; Updated cn=lastUID with $new_uid",0);
return TRUE;
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Create account; Failed to update cn=lastUID",0);
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Create account; couldn't create the account for $username",0);
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Create account; Account for $username already exists",0);
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Create account; missing parameters",0);
return FALSE;
function ldap_delete_account($ldap_connection,$username) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
if (isset($username)) {
$delete_query = "${LDAP['account_attribute']}=" . ldap_escape($username, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ",${LDAP['user_dn']}";
$delete = ldap_delete($ldap_connection, $delete_query);
if ($delete) {
error_log("$log_prefix Deleted account for $username",0);
return TRUE;
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Couldn't delete account for $username",0);
return FALSE;
function ldap_add_member_to_group($ldap_connection,$group_name,$username) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
$group_dn = "cn=" . ldap_escape($group_name, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ",${LDAP['group_dn']}";
if ($LDAP['group_membership_uses_uid'] == FALSE) {
$username = "${LDAP['account_attribute']}=$username,${LDAP['user_dn']}";
$group_update = array($LDAP['group_membership_attribute'] => $username);
$update = ldap_mod_add($ldap_connection,$group_dn,$group_update);
if ($update) {
error_log("$log_prefix Added $username to $group_name",0);
return TRUE;
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Couldn't add $username to $group_name",0);
return FALSE;
function ldap_delete_member_from_group($ldap_connection,$group_name,$username) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
$group_dn = "cn=" . ldap_escape($group_name, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ",${LDAP['group_dn']}";
if ($LDAP['group_membership_uses_uid'] == FALSE) {
$username = "${LDAP['account_attribute']}=$username,${LDAP['user_dn']}";
$group_update = array($LDAP['group_membership_attribute'] => $username);
$update = ldap_mod_del($ldap_connection,$group_dn,$group_update);
if ($update) {
error_log("$log_prefix Removed $username from $group_name",0);
return TRUE;
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Couldn't remove $username from $group_name",0);
return FALSE;
function ldap_change_password($ldap_connection,$username,$new_password) {
global $log_prefix, $LDAP, $LDAP_DEBUG;
#Find DN of user
$ldap_search_query = "${LDAP['account_attribute']}=" . ldap_escape($username, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER);
$ldap_search = ldap_search( $ldap_connection, $LDAP['base_dn'], $ldap_search_query);
if ($ldap_search) {
$result = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
if ($result["count"] == 1) {
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Couldn't find the DN for user $username");
return FALSE;
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Couldn't perform an LDAP search for ${LDAP['account_attribute']}=${username}",0);
return FALSE;
#Hash password
$hashed_pass = ldap_hashed_password($new_password);
$entries["userPassword"] = $new_password;
$update = ldap_mod_replace($ldap_connection, $this_dn, $entries);
if ($update) {
error_log("$log_prefix Updated the password for $username");
return TRUE;
else {
error_log("$log_prefix Couldn't update the password for $username");
return TRUE;