The group name is missing.

The group name is invalid.

$attr_r) { if (isset($this_group[0][$attribute]) and $this_group[0][$attribute]['count'] > 0) { $$attribute = $this_group[0][$attribute]; } else { $$attribute = array(); } if (isset($_POST[$attribute])) { $this_attribute = array(); if (is_array($_POST[$attribute])) { $this_attribute['count'] = count($_POST[$attribute]); foreach($_POST[$attribute] as $key => $value) { $this_attribute[$key] = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS); } } else { $this_attribute['count'] = 1; $this_attribute[0] = filter_var($_POST[$attribute], FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS); } if ($this_attribute != $$attribute) { $$attribute = $this_attribute; $to_update[$attribute] = $this_attribute; unset($to_update[$attribute]['count']); } } if (!isset($$attribute) and isset($attr_r['default'])) { $$attribute['count'] = 1; $$attribute[0] = $attr_r['default']; } } if (!isset($gidnumber[0]) or !is_numeric($gidnumber[0])) { $gidnumber[0]=ldap_get_highest_id($ldap_connection,$type="gid"); $gidnumber['count']=1; } ###################################################################################### $all_accounts = ldap_get_user_list($ldap_connection); $all_people = array(); foreach ($all_accounts as $this_person => $attrs) { array_push($all_people, $this_person); } $non_members = array_diff($all_people,$current_members); if (isset($_POST["update_members"])) { $updated_membership = array(); foreach ($_POST['membership'] as $index => $member) { if (is_numeric($index)) { array_push($updated_membership,filter_var($member, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS)); } } if ($group_cn == $LDAP['admins_group'] and !array_search($USER_ID, $updated_membership)){ array_push($updated_membership,$USER_ID); } $members_to_del = array_diff($current_members,$updated_membership); $members_to_add = array_diff($updated_membership,$current_members); if ($initialise_group == TRUE) { $initial_member = array_shift($members_to_add); $group_add = ldap_new_group($ldap_connection,$group_cn,$initial_member,$to_update); } elseif(count($to_update) > 0) { $updated_attr = ldap_update_group_attributes($ldap_connection,$group_cn,$to_update); if ($updated_attr) { render_alert_banner("The group attributes have been updated."); } else { render_alert_banner("There was a problem updating the group attributes. See the logs for more information.","danger",15000); } } foreach ($members_to_add as $this_member) { ldap_add_member_to_group($ldap_connection,$group_cn,$this_member); } foreach ($members_to_del as $this_member) { ldap_delete_member_from_group($ldap_connection,$group_cn,$this_member); } $non_members = array_diff($all_people,$updated_membership); $group_members = $updated_membership; $rfc2307bis_available = ldap_detect_rfc2307bis($ldap_connection); if ($rfc2307bis_available == TRUE and count($group_members) == 0) { $group_members = ldap_get_group_members($ldap_connection,$group_cn); $non_members = array_diff($all_people,$group_members); render_alert_banner("Groups can't be empty, so the final member hasn't been removed. You could try deleting the group","danger",15000); } else { render_alert_banner("The group has been ${has_been}."); } } else { $group_members = $current_members; } ldap_close($ldap_connection); ?>

(admin group)" ; } ?>

/groups.php" method="post">
  • Members
    \n"; } else { print "
  • $member
  • \n"; } } ?>
Available accounts
    $nonmember\n"; } ?>
0) { ?>

Group attributes

$attr_r) { $label = $attr_r['label']; if (isset($$attribute)) { $these_values=$$attribute; } else { $these_values = array(); } if (isset($attr_r['multiple'])) { $multiple = $attr_r['multiple']; } else { $multiple = FALSE; } print "
"; render_attribute_fields($attribute,$label,$these_values,"",$multiple,$tabindex); print "
"; $tabindex++; } ?>