LDAP User Manager -- This is a PHP LDAP account manager; a web-based GUI interface which allows you to quickly populate a new LDAP directory and easily manage user accounts and groups. It also has a self-service password change module. It's designed to work with OpenLDAP and to be run as a container. It complements OpenLDAP containers such as [*osixia/openldap*](https://hub.docker.com/r/osixia/openldap/). Features --- * Setup wizard: this will create the necessary structure to allow you to add users and groups and will set up an initial admin user that can log into the user manager. * Group creation and management. * User account creation and management. * Optionally send an email to the new user with their account credentials. * Secure password auto-generator: click the button to generate a secure password. * Password strength indicator. * Self-service password change: non-admin users can log in to change their password. Screenshots --- **Initial setup: add an administrator account**: ![administrator_setup](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17613683/59344224-8bb8ae80-8d05-11e9-869b-d08a44f4939d.png) **Add a new group**: ![new_group](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17613683/59344242-95421680-8d05-11e9-9a72-1f55c06dd43d.png) **Manage group membership**: ![group_membership](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17613683/59344247-97a47080-8d05-11e9-8606-0bcc40471458.png) **Edit accounts**: ![account_overview](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17613683/59344255-9c692480-8d05-11e9-9207-051291bafd91.png) **Self-service password change**: ![self_service_password_change](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17613683/59344258-9ffcab80-8d05-11e9-9dc2-27dfd373fcc8.png) A note on your LDAP schema - please read this! --- By default this application will expect the LDAP server to be using the **RFC2307BIS** schema. OpenLDAP (including the **osixia/openldap** image) uses the older NIS schema as its default schema. > :warning: If you haven't explicitly set up the **RFC2307BIS** schema on your LDAP server then you need to set `LDAP_USES_NIS_SCHEMA` to `TRUE` as shown in the Quick start example below. **Why should I use RFC2307BIS?** The user manager will work with either NIS or BIS, but BIS is recommended as it allows you to use **memberOf** searches. You can enable BIS in **osixia/openldap** by setting `LDAP_RFC2307BIS_SCHEMA` to `true` during the initial setup. **Why not make NIS the default?** The original versions of this application were set to expect BIS by default. This was before we used specific release versions, so we're expecting the BIS schemas as the default to keep backwards-compatibility for anyone using the `latest` tag. **I'm unable to use the BIS schema!** If you can't or prefer not to use RFC2307BIS then set `LDAP_USES_NIS_SCHEMA` to `TRUE`. This will create groups solely as the **posixGroup** objectclass, and the default for `LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_USES_UID` will `TRUE`. Quick start --- ``` docker run \ --detach \ --name=lum \ -p 80:80 \ -p 443:443 \ -e "SERVER_HOSTNAME=lum.example.com" \ -e "LDAP_URI=ldap://ldap.example.com" \ -e "LDAP_BASE_DN=dc=example,dc=com" \ -e "LDAP_REQUIRE_STARTTLS=TRUE" \ -e "LDAP_ADMINS_GROUP=admins" \ -e "LDAP_ADMIN_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" \ -e "LDAP_ADMIN_BIND_PWD=secret"\ -e "LDAP_USES_NIS_SCHEMA=true" \ -e "EMAIL_DOMAIN=ldapusermanager.org"\ wheelybird/ldap-user-manager:v1.3 ``` Change the variable values to suit your environment. You might need to change `LDAP_USES_NIS_SCHEMA` if you're using the BIS schema. Now go to https://lum.example.com/setup. Configuration --- Configuration is via environmental variables. Please bear the following in mind: * This tool needs to bind to LDAP as a user with permissions to modify everything under the base DN. * This interface is designed to work with a fresh LDAP server and should be against populated LDAP directories with caution and at your own risk. Mandatory: ---- * `LDAP_URI`: The URI of the LDAP server, e.g. `ldap://ldap.example.com` or `ldaps://ldap.example.com` * `LDAP_BASE_DN`: The base DN for your organisation, e.g. `dc=example,dc=com` * `LDAP_ADMIN_BIND_DN`: The DN for the user with permission to modify all records under `LDAP_BASE_DN`, e.g. `cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com` * `LDAP_ADMIN_BIND_PWD`: The password for `LDAP_ADMIN_BIND_DN` * `LDAP_ADMINS_GROUP`: The name of the group used to define accounts that can use this tool to manage LDAP accounts. e.g. `admins` Optional: ---- **Organisation settings** * `SERVER_HOSTNAME` (default: *ldapusername.org*): The hostname that this interface will be served from. * `ORGANISATION_NAME`: (default: *LDAP*): Your organisation's name. * `SITE_NAME` (default: *{ORGANISATION_NAME} user manager*): Change this to replace the title in the menu, e.g. "My Company Account Management". **LDAP settings** * `LDAP_USER_OU` (default: *people*): The name of the OU used to store user accounts (without the base DN appended). * `LDAP_USES_NIS_SCHEMA` (default: *FALSE*): If you use the NIS schema instead of the (preferable) RFC2307BIS schema, set this to `TRUE`. See [A note on your LDAP schema](#a-note-on-your-ldap-schema) for more information. * `LDAP_GROUP_OU` (default: *groups*): The name of the OU used to store groups (without the base DN appended). * `LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_ATTRIBUTE` (default: *memberUID* or *uniqueMember*): The attribute used when adding a user to a group. If `LDAP_USES_NIS_SCHEMA` is `TRUE` the default is `memberUID`, otherwise it's `uniqueMember`. Explicitly setting this variable will override the default. * `LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_USES_UID` (default: *TRUE* or *FALSE*): If *TRUE* then the entry for a member of a group will be just the username. Otherwise it's the member's full DN. If `LDAP_USES_NIS_SCHEMA` is `TRUE` the default is `TRUE`, otherwise it's `FALSE`. Explicitly setting this variable will override the default. * `LDAP_REQUIRE_STARTTLS` (default: *TRUE*): If *TRUE* then a TLS connection is required for this interface to work. If set to *FALSE* then the interface will work without STARTTLS, but a warning will be displayed on the page. * `LDAP_IGNORE_CERT_ERRORS` (default: *FALSE*): If *TRUE* then problems with the certificate presented by the LDAP server will be ignored (for example FQDN mismatches). Use this if your LDAP server is using a self-signed certificate and you don't have a CA certificate for it or you're connecting to a pool of different servers via round-robin DNS. * `LDAP_TLS_CACERT` (no default): If you need to use a specific CA certificate for TLS connections to the LDAP server (when `LDAP_REQUIRE_STARTTLS` is set) then assign the contents of the CA certificate to this variable. e.g. `-e LDAP_TLS_CACERT=$(