diff --git a/www/account_manager/new_user.php b/www/account_manager/new_user.php
index 2f6e7ad..a2afe77 100644
--- a/www/account_manager/new_user.php
+++ b/www/account_manager/new_user.php
@@ -289,14 +289,13 @@ render_js_email_generator('uid','mail');
foreach ($attribute_map as $attribute => $attr_r) {
$label = $attr_r['label'];
- $onkeyup = $attr_r['onkeyup'];
if ($attribute == $LDAP['account_attribute']) { $label = "$label*"; }
$attr_r) {
- if (isset($attr_r['label'])) { $label = $attr_r['label']; } else { $label = ""; }
- if (isset($attr_r['onkeyup'])) { $onkeyup = $attr_r['onkeyup']; } else { $label = ""; }
+ $label = $attr_r['label'];
+ if (isset($attr_r['onkeyup'])) { $onkeyup = $attr_r['onkeyup']; } else { $onkeyup = ""; }
if ($attribute == $LDAP['account_attribute']) { $label = "$label*"; }
diff --git a/www/includes/ldap_functions.inc.php b/www/includes/ldap_functions.inc.php
index ad1106e..47f94fc 100644
--- a/www/includes/ldap_functions.inc.php
+++ b/www/includes/ldap_functions.inc.php
@@ -587,20 +587,14 @@ function ldap_new_group($ldap_connection,$group_name,$initial_member="") {
$highest_gid = ldap_get_highest_id($ldap_connection,'gid');
$new_gid = $highest_gid + 1;
- if ($rfc2307bis_available == FALSE) {
- $new_group_array=array( 'objectClass' => array('top','posixGroup'),
- 'cn' => $new_group,
- 'gidNumber' => $new_gid
- );
- }
- else {
- if ($LDAP['group_membership_uses_uid'] == FALSE) { $initial_member = "${LDAP['account_attribute']}=$initial_member,${LDAP['user_dn']}"; }
- $new_group_array=array( 'objectClass' => array('top','groupOfUniqueNames','posixGroup'),
- 'cn' => $new_group,
- 'gidNumber' => $new_gid,
- $LDAP['group_membership_attribute'] => $initial_member
- );
- }
+ if ($rfc2307bis_available == FALSE) { $objectclasses = array('top','posixGroup'); } else { array('top','groupOfUniqueNames','posixGroup'); }
+ if ($LDAP['group_membership_uses_uid'] == FALSE) { $initial_member = "${LDAP['account_attribute']}=$initial_member,${LDAP['user_dn']}"; }
+ $new_group_array=array( 'objectClass' => $objectclasses,
+ 'cn' => $new_group,
+ 'gidNumber' => $new_gid,
+ $LDAP['group_membership_attribute'] => $initial_member
+ );
@@ -743,94 +737,97 @@ function ldap_complete_account_attribute_array() {
function ldap_new_account($ldap_connection,$account_r) {
- if ( isset($account_r['givenname'])
- and isset($account_r['sn'])
- and isset($account_r['cn'])
- and isset($account_r['uid'])
- and isset($account_r[$LDAP['account_attribute']])
- and isset($account_r['password'])) {
+ if ( isset($account_r['givenname'])
+ and isset($account_r['sn'])
+ and isset($account_r['cn'])
+ and isset($account_r['uid'])
+ and isset($account_r[$LDAP['account_attribute']])
+ and isset($account_r['password'])) {
- $account_identifier = $account_r[$LDAP['account_attribute']];
- $ldap_search_query = "(${LDAP['account_attribute']}=" . ldap_escape($account_identifier, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ",${LDAP['user_dn']})";
- $ldap_search = @ ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['user_dn']}", $ldap_search_query);
- $result = @ ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
+ $account_identifier = $account_r[$LDAP['account_attribute']];
+ $ldap_search_query = "(${LDAP['account_attribute']}=" . ldap_escape($account_identifier, "", LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER) . ",${LDAP['user_dn']})";
+ $ldap_search = @ ldap_search($ldap_connection, "${LDAP['user_dn']}", $ldap_search_query);
+ $result = @ ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_search);
- if ($result['count'] == 0) {
+ if ($result['count'] == 0) {
- $highest_uid = ldap_get_highest_id($ldap_connection,'uid');
- $new_uid = $highest_uid + 1;
+ $hashed_pass = ldap_hashed_password($account_r['password']);
+ unset($account_r['password']);
- $default_gid = ldap_get_gid_of_group($ldap_connection,$DEFAULT_USER_GROUP);
- if (!is_numeric($default_gid)) {
- $group_add = ldap_new_group($ldap_connection,$account_identifier);
- $gid = ldap_get_gid_of_group($ldap_connection,$account_identifier);
- $add_to_group = $account_identifier;
- }
- else {
- $gid = $default_gid;
- $add_to_group = $DEFAULT_USER_GROUP;
- }
- $hashed_pass = ldap_hashed_password($account_r['password']);
- $objectclasses = $LDAP['account_objectclasses'];
- if (isset($LDAP['account_additional_objectclasses']) and $LDAP['account_additional_objectclasses'] != "") {
- $objectclasses = array_merge($objectclasses, explode(",", $LDAP['account_additional_objectclasses']));
- }
- $account_attributes = array('objectClass' => $objectclasses,
- 'displayName' => $account_r['givenname'] . " " . $account_r['sn'],
- 'uidNumber' => $new_uid,
- 'gidNumber' => $gid,
- 'loginShell' => $DEFAULT_USER_SHELL,
- 'homeDirectory' => "/home/" . $account_r['uid'],
- 'userPassword' => $hashed_pass,
- );
- unset($account_r['password']);
- $account_attributes = array_merge($account_attributes, $account_r);
- $add_account = @ ldap_add($ldap_connection,
- "${LDAP['account_attribute']}=$account_identifier,${LDAP['user_dn']}",
- $account_attributes
- );
- if ($add_account) {
- error_log("$log_prefix Created new account: $account_identifier",0);
- ldap_add_member_to_group($ldap_connection,$add_to_group,$account_identifier);
- $this_uid = fetch_id_stored_in_ldap($ldap_connection,"uid");
- if ($this_uid != FALSE) {
- $update_uid = @ ldap_mod_replace($ldap_connection, "cn=lastUID,${LDAP['base_dn']}", array( 'serialNumber' => $new_uid ));
- if ($update_uid) {
- error_log("$log_prefix Create account; Updated cn=lastUID with $new_uid",0);
+ $objectclasses = $LDAP['account_objectclasses'];
+ if (isset($LDAP['account_additional_objectclasses']) and $LDAP['account_additional_objectclasses'] != "") {
+ $objectclasses = array_merge($objectclasses, explode(",", $LDAP['account_additional_objectclasses']));
+ $account_attributes = array('objectclass' => $objectclasses,
+ 'userpassword' => $hashed_pass,
+ );
+ $account_attributes = array_merge($account_r, $account_attributes);
+ if (!isset($account_attributes['uidnumber']) or !is_numeric($account_attributes['uidnumber'])) {
+ $highest_uid = ldap_get_highest_id($ldap_connection,'uid');
+ $account_attributes['uidnumber'] = $highest_uid + 1;
+ }
+ if (!isset($account_attributes['gidnumber']) or !is_numeric($account_attributes['gidnumber'])) {
+ $default_gid = ldap_get_gid_of_group($ldap_connection,$DEFAULT_USER_GROUP);
+ if (!is_numeric($default_gid)) {
+ $group_add = ldap_new_group($ldap_connection,$account_identifier,$account_identifier);
+ $account_attributes['gidnumber'] = ldap_get_gid_of_group($ldap_connection,$account_identifier);
+ }
+ else {
+ $account_attributes['gidnumber'] = $default_gid;
+ $add_to_group = $DEFAULT_USER_GROUP;
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($account_attributes['displayname'])) { $account_attributes['displayname'] = $account_attributes['givenname'] . " " . $account_attributes['sn']; }
+ if (empty($account_attributes['loginshell'])) { $account_attributes['loginshell'] = $DEFAULT_USER_SHELL; }
+ if (empty($account_attributes['homedirectory'])) { $account_attributes['homedirectory'] = "/home/${account_identifier}"; }
+ $add_account = @ ldap_add($ldap_connection,
+ "${LDAP['account_attribute']}=$account_identifier,${LDAP['user_dn']}",
+ $account_attributes
+ );
+ if ($add_account) {
+ error_log("$log_prefix Created new account: $account_identifier",0);
+ ldap_add_member_to_group($ldap_connection,$add_to_group,$account_identifier);
+ $this_uid = fetch_id_stored_in_ldap($ldap_connection,"uid");
+ $new_uid = $account_attributes['uidnumber'];
+ if ($this_uid != FALSE) {
+ $update_uid = @ ldap_mod_replace($ldap_connection, "cn=lastUID,${LDAP['base_dn']}", array( 'serialNumber' => $new_uid ));
+ if ($update_uid) {
+ error_log("$log_prefix Create account; Updated cn=lastUID with $new_uid",0);
+ }
+ else {
+ error_log("$log_prefix Unable to update cn=lastUID to $new_uid - this could cause user accounts to share the same UID.",0);
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
else {
- error_log("$log_prefix Unable to update cn=lastUID to $new_uid - this could cause user accounts to share the same UID.",0);
+ ldap_get_option($ldap_connection, LDAP_OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE, $detailed_err);
+ error_log("$log_prefix Create account; couldn't create the account for ${account_identifier}: " . ldap_error($ldap_connection) . " -- " . $detailed_err,0);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
+ }
else {
- ldap_get_option($ldap_connection, LDAP_OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE, $detailed_err);
- error_log("$log_prefix Create account; couldn't create the account for ${account_identifier}: " . ldap_error($ldap_connection) . " -- " . $detailed_err,0);
+ error_log("$log_prefix Create account; Account for ${account_identifier} already exists",0);
else {
- error_log("$log_prefix Create account; Account for ${account_identifier} already exists",0);
+ error_log("$log_prefix Create account; missing parameters",0);
- }
- else {
- error_log("$log_prefix Create account; missing parameters",0);
- }
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;